If you were asked to narrow down the list of executive director qualifications to the three most important, which ones would you identify? Would the list consist of soft skills, hard skills, or some combination? Would your list be based on the great ED you are or one you've worked for, or would it be your wish list for the ED you haven't been fortunate yet to work for? This was an assignment in my recent online class in leadership and administration for the American Association for State and Local History . I asked the class to review three-five advertisements for museum directors and analyze what these listings intimated about the organization’s past experience, current focus and goals, and future aspirations. Then, I asked the class to identify what they consider to be the three most important qualifications they would look for in a director. (Okay, so there's more than three if you dissect my three big groups.) Soft skills outnumbered hard skills, although
This is an outstanding graphic!
You can be sure it will be used at the Rock County Historical Society in 15'!
Great book, btw. I'm halfway through!
All the best!
Mike Reuter
Director - RCHS
And I'm very happy to hear you're reading Leadership Matters!
Happy New Year,
If so, please email to museummike1978@gmail.com
Thanks Anne!