I'M A LONG-TIME CULTURAL ORGANIZATION DIRECTOR, several decades down the road from my first job. I've been fortunate to have worked for boards that were mostly active and engaged with the work of the organization. As my experience has grown and my abilities have been honed, I've found also that the boards I've chosen to work for have relied on me for direction as well as expertise. No longer. Last year I made a conscious decision to switch it up. I moved to an allied profession, but one I have no formal training in, no name recognition, and little, if any, professional capital to spend. I'm an unknown quantity in need of proving myself in order to gain the trust of others. I joined an organization as executive director that is just ten years old -- for all intents and purposes a start-up -- with a very active board that is fully engaged in setting direction, pursuing funding, and undertaking the work. There's been more...